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A/N: Anything Avatar, not mine. (Like anyone had any doubts.) Timeline, starts within a day or two after 'Theft Absolute', but before they meet up with the idiot whose dao the Blue Spirit steals. 1 Quick Attack: Normal: 40 100% 30 1 1 Ember: Fire: 40 100% 25 1 8 Sand-Attack: Normal — 100% 15 31 16 Ember. 52 Flamethrower: Fire: 95 100% 15. Ember.js is free, open source and always will be. Hosted by: CDN provided.

Welcome to the Ember.js guides! This documentation will take you fromtotal beginner to Ember expert. It is designed to start from the basics,and slowly increase to more sophisticated concepts until you knoweverything there is to know about building awesome web applications.

To help you get started, we've also made a 30-minute screencast thatwill guide you through building a full-featured Ember.js application:

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Source code for the app we build in the video is available at https://github.com/tildeio/bloggr-client

Most of these guides are designed to help you start building apps rightaway. If you'd like to know more about the thinking behind Ember.js,you'll find what you're looking for in the Understanding Ember.jssection.

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These guides are written in Markdown and are available onGitHub, inside the source/guidesdirectory. If there is something missing, or you find a typo ormistake, please help us by filing an issue or submitting a pullrequest. Thanks!

We're excited for all of the great apps you're going to build withEmber.js. To get started, select a topic from the left. They arepresented in the order that we think will be most useful to you asyou're learning Ember.js, but you can also jump to whatever seemsmost interesting.

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Good luck!