Printworks 2 0 2 – All Purpose Desktop Publishing Submission

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4.2.7 Remote Desktop Clients: If your remote desktop app acts as a mirror of specific software or services rather than a generic mirror of the host device, it must comply with the following: (a) The app must only connect to a user-owned host device that is a personal computer or dedicated game console owned by the user, and both the host device.


A multi-purpose courseware web engine based on php/html/mysql. It is based on previous courseware experiences done for classes at the MIT Media Lab and Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. Downloads: 2 This Week Last Update: 2013-04-17 See Project. Printworks is a super-intuitive, all-purpose page-layout and desktop-publishing app. It doesn’t matter what kind of document you need to layout and print. From brochures and calendars to CD labels and beautiful, professional business cards, Printworks covers it all. Just choose and customize a template or design a document from scratch! Printworks 2.0.8 Printworks is a super-intuitive, all-purpose page-layout and desktop-publishing app. It doesn't matter what kind of document you need to layout and print.

A minimal (yet careful about UX) solution to upload multiple files in a Django project, using a Django-like Form Class

Project description


A minimal (yet careful about UX) solution to upload multiple files in a Django project,using a Django-like Form Class.


The purpose of this module is that of providing a simple yet effective toolfor managing the user interaction for files uploading in a Django projects,with the following features:

  1. before submission:

    • files can be added to the upload list either via drag&drop or with an file-open dialog
    • user can revise the upload list by adding or removing files
    • the list displays informations about the files (name, tipe, size)
  2. during submission:

    • image files are optionally resized up to a configurabile max resolution
    • a progress bar is shown during files upload
  3. after submission:

    • a target view receives the uploaded files via an Ajax POST request
    • here, you will validate the form …
    • … and use the received files at your will

All this is obtained by leveraging HTML5 specific capabilities, and applying some clever (in my opinion)and sometimes hacky techniques I learned from a few selected articles, listed in the Referencessection below.

No external dependencies are required (other than jQuery).

The codebase is deliberately minimal.

How to use django-upload-form

The only purpose of the package is that of:

  • managing user interaction
  • upload the files upon form submission

What you do with the uploaded files is entirely up to you, and you’re responsible for this.

These are the steps required to use django-upload-form:

  • derive your own Form class from UploadForm, and override a few methods
  • provide a view which will be the target for files upload

The UploadForm-derived class

At the very minimum, you need to override the following methods:

  • form_valid(self, request)
    Here is where you receive the list of (in-memory) uploaded files after submission;What you do with the uploaded files is entirely up to you.This method should normally return get_success_url().
  • get_success_url(self)
    Determine the URL to redirect to when the form is successfully validated.
  • get_action(self, request=None)
    Returns the url of the target view (see below).

Printworks 2 0 2 – All Purpose Desktop Publishing Submission Requirements

Optionally, you can customize the following instance properties:

  • self.allowed_file_types
    List of allowed file types (ex: ‘.xls .xlsx .pdf’);Default to: None, which means we’ll use the corresponding setting UPLOAD_FORM_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES
  • self.accept
    Returns the value for the “accept” attribute of the file input element;Defaults to: None, which means we’ll build it from self.allowed_file_types list;Example: image/* - which also trigger the lookup into the image gallery on mobile devices
  • self.max_image_size
    When > 0, images will be resized accordingly before uploading.The required size is expressed in pixels.Default: 0

or override the corresponding methods:

  • def get_accept(self, request=None)
  • def get_max_image_size(self, request=None)

Note: while “accept” is applied to the file input element, “allowed_file_types” isused during form validation; it is your responsability to supply coherent values.

When “accept” is None, on the other side, this is guaranteed by UploadForm.

The target view

The target view will receive the uploaded files with a POST request, and normally should:

  • build a bounded form
  • validate it
  • invoke form_valid()

You will probably use the same view for form rendering (GET); this is quite commonpractice, but entirely optional.

Also note that, since upon form submission the POST request will be issued via Ajax,the target view should cooperate by returning a JsonResponse().

In practice, in the target view you should always follow the pattern below,then cope with your specific needs in MyUploadForm.form_valid():

or (when the initial rendering if provided by some other view):


Install the package from Python Package Index running:

or from GitHub:

then add ‘upload_form’ to your INSTALLED_APPS:

App Settings

Some settings are provided for optional customization.

The library will search these settings in the following order:

  • as Django Constance dynamic settings (see
  • failing that, in project’s settings
  • failing that, a suitable “safe” default value is used


Using multiple upload forms in a single HTML page

The technique used to collect files for upload is:

  • render an hidden file input element with “multiple” attribute
  • use a label styled to look like a button, so people will realize they can click it to bring up the file selection dialog

This works, since pressing a label basically triggers the focus event for the bound input;if it is a file input, it works out as a click event, resulting in opening a file browser.

Unfortunately, this means we had to assign a specific id to the <input> element;which in turn means we can’t use two upload forms in a single HTML page.

However, you can also implicitly bind a label to an input by inclusion, thus avoiding the id altoghether:

This fix has been added in v0.4.3.

Example project

A simple Django project is available in folder ‘example’; use it as follows:

the visit either or

Sample usage

The upoad_form app provides a sample test view which uploads multiple filesfor illustration purposes.

You can run, study, and possibly duplicate it for further customizations.

To use it, add this to your main urls mapping:


then visit this url:

Below is the source code of the whole test.

file upload_form/

file templates/upload_form/test.html

Howto upload an image from the camera


The app is intended to be open source.

Feel free to use it we at your will with no restrictions at all.




  • typo fixes
  • per-class “allowed_file_types” list
  • better explanation of the difference between “accept” and “allowed_file_types”


  • fix a js error when uploading non-image files; this was a regression introduced with image resizing
  • fix to use multiple upload forms in a single HTML page


  • Include optional extra form fields in upload form


  • optionally resize images before uploading
  • parallel uploading (experimental)
  • Example project added
  • some miscellaneous improvements recovered from experimental branches
  • removed dependency on sprintf js library


  • published on PyPI


  • improved Readme


  • package renamed “django-upload-form” (was “django_upload_form”)
  • cleanup
  • improved documentation


  • fixes for Django 2.x
  • user can now add more file to the list before submission


  • App settings removed


  • Italian translation added

Project details

Printworks 2 0 2 – All Purpose Desktop Publishing Submission Form

Release historyRelease notifications RSS feed






Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Files for django-upload-form, version 0.5.0
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size django_upload_form-0.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (28.4 kB) File type Wheel Python version py2.py3 Upload dateHashes

Hashes for django_upload_form-0.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for django_upload_form-0.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

If you have a printing job but have questions about it, this is the place to start. Here you will find answers to common printing questions and tips for proofing your project.

Printworks 2 0 2 – All Purpose Desktop Publishing Submission Guidelines

The basic and easiest answer to this question is that you supply a PRINT READY .PDF file. We recommended a minimum of 300dpi, converted to CMYK colorspace, all fonts outlined AND embedded. Specify your trim area with crop marks (Don’t place crop marks inside the work area). Make sure you have a minimum of 1/8” (0.125”) BLEED on all edges of your job, and a 1/8” (0.125”) SAFE area that has all critical design element such as text, pulled away from trim.
Following these guidelines, and CAREFULLY CHECKING THE RESULTING PDF before uploading will greatly reduce the possibility of error and accelerate your job through production.
PDF print ready files:
  • Minimum resolution of 300 dpi
  • CMYK colorspace
  • All fonts outlined and embedded
  • Specify trim area with crop marks (Don’t place crop marks inside the work area)
  • Artwork should have 1/8” (0.125”) bleed from trim line
  • Information content (“Safe Area”) should be 1/8” (0.125”) away from trim line.
We require a minimum of 1/8” (0.125”) bleed on all projects.
This will add 1/4” (0.25”) to your overall image area, on both dimensions. Below are some example layout files incorporating our templates available in our Product Templates section.
In this example, if you wanted to print a 3.5” x 2” standard business card with image all the way to the edge, you would need to submit a file 3.75” x 2.25”.
Bleed is the extended image area of your print job, that prevents unprinted paper from showing on the edges of your finished job. We require an 1/8” (0.125”) bleed, on all projects.
It is not practical to print the image exactly to the edge of your finished product. Instead, additional image area is printed past where the item will be trimmed.
In commercial 4 color printing, all final jobs are cut in stacks. The accuracy of cutting in stacks is never perfect. Sometimes, the pressure on the stack from the cutting blade will cause a slight shift on the paper, losing the precision of the intended cut. This is why bleed is necessary to compensate for the shifting.
If bleed is not provided on a document, the final result of a trimmed job may possibly result in a slight white border around the edge. The example below will illustrate why bleed is important:
Safe area contains all critical elements/information of an artwork that cannot risk being cut off, and is any area that is 1/8” (1.125”) from within the trim line. Generally, important information such as text, addresses, borders and titles rest within the safe area.
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
A print-ready Adobe Acrobat (.pdf ) file. We recommend a minimum of 300dpi, CMYK colormode, all fonts outlined AND embedded. Make sure you have a minimum of 1/8” (0.125”) bleed on all edges of your job, and a 1/8” (0.125”) safe area that has all critical design element such as text, pulled away from the trim.
We also accept:
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Adobe Indesign CS3
  • Adobe Illustrator CS3
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3
  • QuarkXpress 7.0

  • .eps
  • .jpegs
  • .tiff

Note: We prefer that you send us a .pdf print ready file. For files created in Microsoft programs you may have to download a free utility such as PrimoPDF ( to convert your job to .pdf form. On a PC (Windows XP +)
  1. Place all final files in a folder, preferably named with the job number.
  2. Right-Click final folder, and select “Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder”
Printworks 2 0 2 – All Purpose Desktop Publishing Submission
On a MAC (OS X +)
  1. Place all final files in a folder, preferably named with the job number.
  2. Right-Click final folder, and select “Compress (folder name)”
File formats that are not listed in our accepted formats, must be converted to an accepted format. For Windows users, there are many free utilities such as PrimoPDF ( to convert your job to .pdf form. Please understand that we are not responsible for how you convert these unsupported file types. Please double check your final .pdf before submission.

Printworks 2 0 2 – All Purpose Desktop Publishing Submission System

If you have checked over your proof very carefully (please see Tips for Proofing) and you are ready to print we require for you to “sign off” on the item to be printed. You can “sign off” by e-mailing an approvalto art@printworksva .com stating that the most recent proof is ready to print or you can come see us and sign your final proof. Please proof carefully as once you approve the proof you are responsible for any mistakes, including but not limited to misspelled words, missing type, the position of a graphic, etc.
  • Is the page size (flat and folded) correct?
  • Is the number of pages correct?
  • Are pages in the correct order?
  • Are all pages identified (including blank pages for books)?
  • Are the page numbers in the contents and index correct?
  • Do article continuations have the correct page number?
  • Check to make sure copy hasn’t rewrapped or dropped off.
  • Are there any typographical errors?
  • Are fonts correct? Pay extra attention to special symbols
  • Are all photos, illustrations, scans, etc. at the proper size and placed in the correct position?
  • Are logos positioned accurately?
  • Is the logo size correct?
  • Are the margins consistent?
  • Do margins allow for special binding or folding?
  • If corrections were requested, have they been made?
  • If new corrections are made, be sure to number each change and mark the total on the slip.
  • Don’t provide a new file unless absolutely necessary, at this point it’s better to have Printworks make the final changes.
  • Does the project conform to postal regulations? Please contact the post office to make sure that the printed piece adheres to the postal regulations.
  • Printworks does not spell check any projects unless we did the design work. If you haven’t spell checked your file yet, do so now and mark changes on the proof.
  • If anything doesn’t look right on the proof, please make us aware of it. Our prepress staff can zoom in on any detail that may be ambiguous on the proof and make sure it’s correct.