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  • Pioneer makes simple, great-sounding whole-home wireless audio systems for Android phones and tablets. Using DTS's breakthrough Play-Fi(R) technology, you can stream your favorite tunes over Wi-Fi right from the app to Pioneer Speaker(s) and/or Pioneer Receiver(s) connected to your existing stereo system. It's a huge step up from Bluetooth - the audio quality is outstanding, and you can enjoy.
  • Midi Control is the best midi controller for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10. It provides different types of controls to give you full control over your DAW, in the palm of your hand: - 5 X/Y pads - Mixer with pan, mute and solo - 27 sliders - 16 pads - DJ mixer with volume, EQ hi/mid/low, crossfader and Play/Cue switches - Keyboard with velocity sensitivity All controls are customizable to.

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T otal control over playback and playlists. F rom the app’s home screen you can quickly play by album, artists, folders, etc. As well as choose from various operations to organize your music. You can also add particular songs to “My Favorites” or to custom playlists.

pygame.mixer.music.loadLoad a music file for playback
pygame.mixer.music.unloadUnload the currently loaded music to free up resources
pygame.mixer.music.playStart the playback of the music stream
pygame.mixer.music.rewindrestart music
pygame.mixer.music.stopstop the music playback
pygame.mixer.music.pausetemporarily stop music playback
pygame.mixer.music.unpauseresume paused music
pygame.mixer.music.fadeoutstop music playback after fading out
pygame.mixer.music.set_volumeset the music volume
pygame.mixer.music.get_volumeget the music volume
pygame.mixer.music.get_busycheck if the music stream is playing
pygame.mixer.music.set_posset position to play from
pygame.mixer.music.get_posget the music play time
pygame.mixer.music.queuequeue a sound file to follow the current
pygame.mixer.music.set_endeventhave the music send an event when playback stops
pygame.mixer.music.get_endeventget the event a channel sends when playback stops

The music module is closely tied to . Use the music moduleto control the playback of music in the sound mixer.

The difference between the music playback and regular Sound playback is thatthe music is streamed, and never actually loaded all at once. The mixer systemonly supports a single music stream at once.

Be aware that MP3 support is limited. On some systems an unsupported formatcan crash the program, e.g. Debian Linux. Consider using OGG instead.

load(filename) -> None

This will load a music filename/file object and prepare it for playback. Ifa music stream is already playing it will be stopped. This does not startthe music playing.

Unload the currently loaded music to free up resources

This closes resources like files for any music that may be loaded.

New in pygame 2.0.0.

play(loops=0, start=0.0, fade_ms = 0) -> None

This will play the loaded music stream. If the music is already playing itwill be restarted.

loops is an optional integer argument, which is 0 by default, ittells how many times to repeat the music. The music repeats indefinately ifthis argument is set to -1.

start is an optional float argument, which is 0.0 by default, whichdenotes the position in time, the music starts playing from. The startingposition depends on the format of the music played. MP3 and OGG usethe position as time in seconds. For mp3s the start time position selectedmay not be accurate as things like variable bit rate encoding and ID3 tagscan throw off the timing calculations. For MOD music it is the patternorder number. Passing a start position will raise a NotImplementedError ifthe start position cannot be set.

fade_ms is an optional integer argument, which is 0 by default,makes the music start playing at 0 volume and fade up to full volume overthe given time. The sample may end before the fade-in is complete.

Changed in pygame 2.0.0: Added optional fade_ms argument

rewind() -> None

Resets playback of the current music to the beginning.

stop() -> None

Stops the music playback if it is currently playing.It Won't Unload the music.

pause() -> None

Temporarily stop playback of the music stream. It can be resumed with thepygame.mixer.music.unpause() function.

unpause() -> None

This will resume the playback of a music stream after it has been paused.


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fadeout(time) -> None

Fade out and stop the currently playing music.

The time argument denotes the integer milliseconds for which thefading effect is generated.

Note, that this function blocks until the music has faded out. Callsto fadeout() and set_volume() will have no effect duringthis time. If an event was set using set_endevent() it will becalled after the music has faded.

set_volume(volume) -> None

Set the volume of the music playback.

The volume argument is a float between 0.0 and 1.0 that setsvolume. When new music is loaded the volume is reset to full volume.

get_volume() -> value

Returns the current volume for the mixer. The value will be between 0.0and 1.0.

get_busy() -> bool

Returns True when the music stream is actively playing. When the music isidle this returns False. In pygame 2.0.1 and above this function returnsFalse when the music is paused. In pygame 1 it returns True when the musicis paused.

Changed in pygame 2.0.1: Returns False when music paused.

set_pos(pos) -> None

This sets the position in the music file where playback will start.The meaning of 'pos', a float (or a number that can be converted to a float),depends on the music format.

For MOD files, pos is the integer pattern number in the module.For OGG it is the absolute position, in seconds, fromthe beginning of the sound. For MP3 files, it is the relative position,in seconds, from the current position. For absolute positioning in an MP3file, first call rewind().

Other file formats are unsupported. Newer versions of SDL_mixer havebetter positioning support than earlier ones. An SDLError is raised if aparticular format does not support positioning.

Function set_pos() calls underlining SDL_mixer functionMix_SetMusicPosition.

get_pos() -> time

This gets the number of milliseconds that the music has been playing for.The returned time only represents how long the music has been playing; itdoes not take into account any starting position offsets.

queue(filename) -> None

This will load a sound file and queue it. A queued sound file will begin assoon as the current sound naturally ends. Only one sound can be queued at atime. Queuing a new sound while another sound is queued will result in thenew sound becoming the queued sound. Also, if the current sound is everstopped or changed, the queued sound will be lost.

The following example will play music by Bach six times, then play music byMozart once:


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set_endevent() -> None

This causes pygame to signal (by means of the event queue) when the music isdone playing. The argument determines the type of event that will be queued.

The event will be queued every time the music finishes, not just the firsttime. To stop the event from being queued, call this method with noargument.

get_endevent() -> type

Returns the event type to be sent every time the music finishes playback. Ifthere is no endevent the function returns pygame.NOEVENT.