Things 3 Organize Your Life V3 11 2

These books are great resources to organize your home (and your life). The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and the follow-up book, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, will change the way that you think about decluttering. 3 tips on how to organize your life. Last Update: April 04, 2016. Have you ever sat and wondered whether you can still afford the training at WA? So much goes on in life and there are so many things which we think we need, when the truth is we can make life. Calandex III Organize your life. Serving Small Businesses and Family Households with Affordable Software Family Business. People / Places / Things. A family command center is a great way to organize your life. It’s a designated spot in your home where you keep things your family regularly needs to access on their way out the door. It’s a great place for school backpacks, keys, sunglasses etc. Place a table near to the entryway door and put small baskets or bins on it for each member of. Jan 13, 2018 - I'm just guessing here, but I bet a fair number of you got new electronic computing devices for Christmas. With that in mind I thought I would make today's.

  • 1get things together

    English-Dutch dictionary >get things together

  • 2get together

    1.intransitive verb

    whynot get together after work? — wollen wir uns nach Feierabend treffen?

    2.transitive verb

    get one's things together — seine Sachen zusammenpacken

    get itor things together — die Dinge auf die Reihe kriegen (ugs.)

    (to meet: We usually get together once a week.) zusammenkommen
    get together
    1.(meet) sich akk treffen
    to get together together on sth sich akk auf etw akk einigen
    to get together it together sich akk mausern fam, es zu etwas bringen
    1.Menschen etc zusammenbringen
    3.get o.s. together sich zusammennehmen
    4.get it togetherumg die Dinge in die Reihe bringen;'>actA 5
    1. zusammenkommen
    * * *
    1.intransitive verb

    why not get together after work? — wollen wir uns nach Feierabend treffen?

    2.transitive verb

    get one's things together — seine Sachen zusammenpacken

    get itor things together — die Dinge auf die Reihe kriegen (ugs.)

    zusammen tun v.
    zusammentun (alt.Rechtschreibung)v.

    English-german dictionary >get together

  • 3get together

    (to meet: We usually get together once a week.) reunirse
    1) v + adv
    a) (meet up) reunirse*, quedar (Esp); (have a family reunion) juntarse, reunirse*

    why don't we get together to buy her a present? — ¿por qué no le regalamos algo juntos?

    to get back together (again) — volverse* a juntar, reconciliarse

    2) v + o + adv, v + adv + o (assemble) <<people/money>> reunir*

    get your things together, we're going — junta or recoge tus cosas que nos vamos

    a) (reconcile) <<people/couple>> reconciliar
    b) (sort out, make effective) (colloq) <<life>> poner* en orden

    they seem to have got themselves together at last — parece que por fin se han organizado

    to get it together: I can't get it together to organize the vacation no consigo organizarme para arreglar lo de las vacaciones; he just can't seem to get it together — es una nulidad

    VT + ADV[+ people, money, team] reunir; [+ objects] reunir, juntar; [+ show, concert] preparar; [+ proposal] elaborar; [+ thoughts, ideas] poner en orden

    we couldn't get the down payment together — no pudimos reunir el dinero para la entrada

    it won't take me long to get my stuff together — no tardaré mucho en recoger mis cosas

    get yourself together and make sure you're there on time — organízate y asegúrate que estás allí a la hora

    act 1., 3)
    VI + ADV[friends, group, club] reunirse

    could we get together this evening? — ¿podemos reunirnos esta tarde?

    to get together about sth — reunirse para discutir algo

    you'd better get together with him before you decide — te conviene hablar con él antes de decidirte

    1) v + adv
    a) (meet up) reunirse*, quedar (Esp); (have a family reunion) juntarse, reunirse*

    why don't we get together to buy her a present? — ¿por qué no le regalamos algo juntos?

    to get back together (again) — volverse* a juntar, reconciliarse

    2) v + o + adv, v + adv + o (assemble) <<people/money>> reunir*

    get your things together, we're going — junta or recoge tus cosas que nos vamos

    a) (reconcile) <<people/couple>> reconciliar
    b) (sort out, make effective) (colloq) <<life>> poner* en orden

    they seem to have got themselves together at last — parece que por fin se han organizado

    to get it together: I can't get it together to organize the vacation no consigo organizarme para arreglar lo de las vacaciones; he just can't seem to get it together — es una nulidad

    English-spanish dictionary >get together

  • 4get together

    why don't we get together?почему бы нам не встретиться?
    get together at some time get together twice a year(annually, tonight, later, etc.)собираться /встречаться/ дважды в год и т. д.
    get together smb., smth. /smb., smth. together/ get a party (an army, an impressive amount of information, documents, etc.) together собрать группу /компанию/ и т. д., get one's things together собраться, собрать свои вещи; I must get my thoughts together я должен собраться с мыслями
    get together over the question of schedule(over week-end duty, on matters of policy, etc.)собираться /встречаться/ для обсуждения [вопроса] расписания и т. д.
    they never seem to get together on anythingони, кажется, никогда ни в чем не могут прийти к соглашению /ни о чем не могут договориться/

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases >get together

  • 5get together

    собираться, встречаться, собирать
    - get one's things together
    - get one's thoughts together
    - get an army together

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary >get together

Things 3 organize your life v3 11 2019

См. также в других словарях:

  • get act together — get (your) act together informal to organize your activities so that you do things in an effective way. If these people could ever get their act together, they could produce unbeatable wines. You d better get your act together and start looking… … New idioms dictionary

  • get somebody together — ˌget sb/sth toˈgether derived to collect people or things in one place • I m trying to get a team together for Saturday. Main entry: ↑getderived … Useful english dictionary

  • get something together — ˌget sb/sth toˈgether derived to collect people or things in one place • I m trying to get a team together for Saturday. Main entry: ↑getderived … Useful english dictionary

  • get it together — phrasal or get it all together : to put things in order : get one s act together … Useful english dictionary

  • get it together — vb to organise oneself, one s life and/or environment. A vogue term and cliche from around 1969. The it refers to one s act , one s life, one s head, or to things in general … Contemporary slang

  • get — [ get ] (past tense got [ gat ] ; past participle gotten [ gatn ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 obtain/receive ▸ 2 become/start to be ▸ 3 do something/have something done ▸ 4 move to/from ▸ 5 progress in activity ▸ 6 fit/put something in a place ▸ 7 understand… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • get — /get/ verb past tense got, past participle got especially BrE gotten especially AmE present participle getting RECEIVE/OBTAIN 1 RECEIVE (transitive not in passive) to be given or receive something: Sharon always seems to get loads of mail. Why… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • together — to geth er1 [ tə geðər ] adverb *** ▸ 1 combined or joined ▸ 2 with each other ▸ 3 near each other ▸ 4 against each other ▸ 5 when people unite ▸ 6 at the same time ▸ 7 considered as whole ▸ 8 in a relationship ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) if you put two or… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • get together — I noun a small informal social gathering there was an informal meeting in my living room • Syn: ↑meeting • Derivationally related forms: ↑meet (for: ↑meeting) … Useful english dictionary

  • together — I UK [təˈɡeðə(r)] / US [təˈɡeðər] adverb *** 1) a) if you put two or more things together, you combine them to form a single thing Now add the numbers together. together with: Mix the flour together with the milk. b) if you sew, stick, join etc… … English dictionary

  • together — to geth er1 W1S1 [təˈgeðə US ər] adv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(with each other)¦ 2¦(make one thing)¦ 3¦(be a couple)¦ 4¦(in one place)¦ 5 close/packed/crowded etc together 6¦(against each other)¦ 7¦(in agreement)¦ 8¦(at the same time)¦ 9¦(combine amounts)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English


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